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 7 Essential Miracle Oil

 7 Essential Miracle Oil is comprised of seven 100% natural essential oils for your scalp. Oils that are formulated to heal, soothe, stimulate, and increase blood flow to the scalp. 7EMO also promotes hair growth while wearing our collection of extensions. This multi-purpose oil can also help relieve, severe itching of the scalp due to conditions like psoriasis. Try a bottle today!

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My grandmother recently had chemo therapy treatments and as a result her hair thinned out in certain places. I bought the 7 Essential Miracle oil for her in January and in March she told me that all of her thin spots had filled back in and she had to get a hair cut because her hair had grown "too long" for her! Thanks!!
by: T. Burden

On February 1 ,2020 I had my hair cut, these are the result’s after using 7 essential oils as of  March 27th. I love it! 


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